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Business Security Systems Play a Big Role in the Banking Industry

Every year, more than 2,400 bank robberies occur in the United States, according to the FBI. While this number may seem high, most bank robberies result in identifying the criminals and recovering the money or property stolen. Why? Due to advanced business security systems, criminal activity is much easier to prosecute than ever before.

Since banks and financial institutions store property like cash and safety deposit boxes, they continue to be facilities that have some of the best business security systems. From bank vaults to rooms with restricted access, banks require a comprehensive plan when it comes to security and preventing armed robbery.

Thankfully, there are a variety of solutions available for banks to use for protection. Since there needs to be a comprehensive plan to incorporate a bank security system, let’s discuss why security plays such a big role in how the banking industry works.

Monitor Bank Surroundings

From monitoring the bank lobby to vault activity, security cameras, and video monitoring play a huge role in managing bank security. Over the years, camera technology has progressively advanced to be completely customizable. Features like video analytics allow managers to receive real-time alerts when people or vehicles approach. This provides a huge advantage for businesses to provide advanced security and to be ahead of criminals before they have the chance to break in.

Control Access in Certain Areas

Whether it’s protecting sensitive information, securing a bank vault, or limiting access behind the teller counter, access control systems are designed to keep those who are unauthorized away from restricted areas. Today’s access control software integrates the most advanced security technologies with innovative networking capabilities to deliver features like fingerprint verification, proximity badge readers, and automatic locks to keep areas secured.

Security Shouldn’t Stop 

Even though banks operate during the day, banks require 24/7 protection to keep all areas secured no matter what. Burglar alarms and motion sensors immediately notify authorities when glass is broken, doors or windows have been opened, and movement has been sensed. These features are key for overnight protection and help deter burglars from breaking into the bank.

Quickly Detect Fire, Water & Carbon Monoxide

Banks are high-risk facilities that require a fast response in case of a fire, flood, or another disaster. Today’s emergency detection devices not only send immediate dispatch signals when danger is detected but also offer features like photoelectric sensors. These sensors catch movement as soon as it’s in range. This drastically improves the chance of detecting danger earlier and dispatching emergency services as soon as possible.

When it comes to protecting a facility such as a bank, professionally installed business security systems with 24/7 monitoring are paramount. Banks need the equipment, technology, and industry-leading security expertise to defend against any potential risk. Most importantly, none of this can be done without the help of a professional and experienced security provider.

To explore the best security options available, our specialists at Guardian Alarm can walk you through the most advanced features that will fit the needs of the bank. We’ll perform an on-site security assessment to determine product placement, provide training for every security feature installed, and support ongoing efforts to ensure that this new system works for years to come. Plus, we operate a 24/7 local monitoring center, meaning your system is given the highest priority.

For more information about our home security systems, give us a call at 800.STAY.OUT.

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